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The Pride Survey Plus for grades 6-12
The Pride Survey Plus takes a closer look at some of the most pressing current issues we have seen develop in the past few years. New for 2018 the Pride Survey Plus adds 2 categories to the existing core measures including prescription opioids as well as e-cigarettes. Please click this link to see a copy of the survey with all newly developed questions highlighted.
Our Pride Survey for grades 6-12 still contains the updated Core Measures required by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for their Drug-Free Communities Grant, and community coalitions and other grantees use this survey to provide data for funding and evaluation. The survey is also compatible with many other grants including CARA, STOP ACT, Tobacco Cessation, and more.
For more information about the Pride Survey Plus for Grades 6-12 please contact our team at (800) 279-6361. We can discuss with you the many benefits of conducting student questionnaires and help you discern which of our many survey products is right for you!
What You Can Find Out Using Our Grade 6-12 Student Behavior Survey
Using our proven behavior and substance abuse survey for students in grades 6-12, you can collect data regarding:
- Incidence of alcohol, tobacco and drug use
- Age of onset of drug use
- Perceived risk of drugs
- Parents’/friends’ approval of student use of drugs or threatening behavior
- Risk and protective factors
- Discipline problems at school and outside school
- Feeling of safety at school and in neighborhood
- Time of day/week for using drugs
- Ease of obtaining drugs
- Location of drug use
- Effect of using drugs
- Personal and family information
- Academic achievement
- Activities at school and in community
- Family life
New Items Include
- E-cigarettes and vaporizers
- Opioid pain medication prescribing and abuse
- Drugged driving
- Cell phone usage
- Methods of obtaining tobacco and e-cigarettes
The Pride Survey Plus for Grades 6-12 will allow you to obtain a better understanding of your school climate and the safety of your students. If you’re ready to get started, please call us at (800) 279-6361, or order now using our convenient online form!
Additional Resources for Pride Student Survey for Grades 6-12
- 2018 Pride Survey 6-12 Plus – Print Preview with new sections highlighted