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Parent Perception Survey On School, Family & Engagement
Get your parents engaged with the data. This survey is a reworked and updated version of our long running Parent Survey and can be tied to the Teaching Environment and the Learning Environment Surveys to help gather a 360-degree view of the perceptions surrounding the school. We are unique in that we ask all three groups parents, teachers and students similar questions that can be compared.
The Parent report is part of our dashboard series and is easy to navigate and user friendly allowing you quick access to your results. You can share your data including parent data in PTA meetings to help boost engagement and spark discussion about topics covered.
The survey can be offered as a paper and pencil or online version and we can offer suggestions to help improve parental response rates that are chronically low in our experience.
Topics on the Parent Engagement Survey include
- School Engagement
- Family Engagement
- Academic Achievement
- General School Life
- Student Safety
- Impressions About Drug Use