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The Pride Survey for Grades 6-12
Introduced in 1982, the Pride Student Survey for Grade 6-12 has been employed in thousands of schools across the country. Much more than just a substance abuse survey for students, this questionnaire also gathers school climate data (on bullying, harassment, etc.) as well as 50 risk and protective factor items.
The Pride Student Survey for Grades 6-12 is our longest-running and most utilized survey to date, with more than 7.7 million respondents since 1982. Using this student behavior survey, we have been able to track significant longitudinal data and trends, and have released multiple national data sets, allowing our customers to compare their local data with our national data.
Our student survey contains the updated Core Measures required by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for their Drug-Free Communities Grant, and community coalitions and other grantees use this survey to provide data for funding. All data tracks closely to the Monitoring the Future survey data, which reinforces both surveys’ validity and reliability.
For more information about the Pride Survey for grades 6-12, please contact our team at (800) 279-6361. We can discuss with you the many benefits of conducting student questionnaires and help you discern which of our many survey products is right for you!
What You Can Find Out Using Our Grade 6-12 Student Behavior Survey
Using our proven behavior and substance abuse survey for students in grades 6-12, you can collect data regarding:
- Incidence of alcohol, tobacco and drug use
- Age of onset of drug use
- Perceived risk of drugs
- Parents’/friends’ approval of student use of drugs or threatening behavior
- Risk and protective factors
- Discipline problems at school and outside school
- Feeling of safety at school and in neighborhood
- Time of day/week for using drugs
- Ease of obtaining drugs
- Location of drug use
- Effect of using drugs
- Personal and family information
- Academic achievement
- Activities at school and in community
- Family life
Pride’s Grade 6-12 Student Survey will allow you to obtain a better understanding of your school climate and the safety of your students. If you’re ready to get started, please call us at (800) 279-6361, or order now using our convenient online form!