
Why Community Advocates Should Include Students at the Beginning

It takes a village to raise a child, the saying goes. To ensure the best outcome, that village should also include fellow young people, not just adults, which is why community advocates should include students at the beginning of their outreach programs. Community coalitions are always looking to engage students in their area, but often […]


What You Should Know Before Creating Community Coalitions

So, you want to create an effective community coalition to ensure your local area is a healthy environment where youth can thrive. Before embarking on this journey — one that will be difficult and stressful, yet immensely rewarding if successful — it would be wise to use the successes and failings of previous community coalitions […]


How Students Can Lessen School Stress

A competitive classroom emphasizes individualistic learning, though it can also help cultivate school stress. Students absorb material individually. Teachers test and quiz them, evaluating their performances with letter grades and percentages. Competition has its benefits. It can motivate students to try harder. It can also help students prepare to embrace real-life challenges and, on occasion, […]


How to Secure Funding for Community Coalitions

Securing funding for community coalitions is perhaps the single-most challenging aspect coalition leaders face. Creating effective community coalitions is incredibly challenging, but no matter how well-intended and clear a coalition’s vision is, there is little or no action it can take without proper funding. This begs several questions: How do coalitions get funding? What funding […]


How Teens Deal with Anxiety

It is natural for parents to worry about teens and anxiety. Teenagers are under pressure to perform academically to secure admission to the best colleges. Compound that pressure with their changing bodies and navigating a new social landscape and social media. Even the most well-adjusted teens can find their stress becoming a lot to handle. […]


Why Community Coalitions Should Partner with Youth Sports Organizations

Community coalitions are in a constant battle for attention among people within the coalition’s footprint. People live busy lives between work, family commitments, and any bit of free time they can manage, which makes it hard to get people to take the time needed to learn about what your community coalition is doing in the […]


How Do You Build a Strong Community Coalition?

While there are many ways to help a community thrive, one of the more effective strategies for sustaining a healthy community is to build a strong community coalition. The reason behind this is due to what’s inherent in every effective community coalition: buy-in. A coalition is a voluntary, formal agreement and collaboration between groups or […]


Social Media Use Among Teens: The Good, Bad, & Ugly

Social media is revolutionizing the way we communicate, obtain information, think, and form communities. Because platforms are relatively new and ever-evolving, the societal and psychological effects of social media are manifesting faster than research can digest them. Teenagers, the most avid social media using cohort, face particular risks. Social media may be affecting not just […]


How Homelessness Impacts Students and How We Can Help

The U.S. Department of Education defines homeless students as those who “lack a fixed, regular, and nighttime residence.” For the 2015-16 school year, there were more than 1.3 million public school students[1] classified as homeless in the United States, about 2.6% of the total public school student population. Nearly 18% of those underprivileged students, numbering […]