Staying Power: How to Keep Your Community Coalition Healthy and Strong
“People overestimate what they can achieve in a year, but underestimate what they can achieve in 10 years” (attributed to Bill Gates and Matthew Kelly). For a coalition, it is no different. Starting a community coalition can seem daunting at first and even once you get it going achieving your goals to reduce substance abuse […]
How Community Coalitions Can Help Prevent School Shootings
In the wake of the tremendous amount of gun violence on school campuses, many neighborhoods and communities have developed community coalitions to raise awareness about their factors and how to prevent school shootings. These coalitions strive to introduce critical connectivity and resources for students and parents who may be struggling with accessing support. Yet, building […]
Student Stress and Overload: How to Know When Students Are Stressed
Rigorous academic coursework is essential for student success in higher education, particularly in competitive and highly specialized fields. A challenging high school environment can encourage students to grow, develop coping skills, and learn how best to handle themselves in any situation. Yet, student stress remains on the rise at every level of education, driven by […]
What Are the Common Strengths of Effective Community Coalitions?
Are you thinking of joining a community coalition or part of one already? Whether it’s to influence legislation or to spread awareness, effective community coalitions can be a key component in achieving shared goals. Community coalitions push community advocacy to the spotlight, facilitate unusual alliances, and bring about cooperative change. As coalition members, you are […]
Leveling Up: How to Ensure Students Are Prepared for the Challenges of High School
Many may consider the transitional challenges of high school to higher education as a critical moment, but what’s increasingly becoming more pivotal is what is sometimes known as the Ninth Grade Bottleneck.[1] Even a relatively low dropout rate after junior high can be alarming. A high school diploma is a basic requirement for many jobs. […]
Why Community Advocates Should Include Students at the Beginning
It takes a village to raise a child, the saying goes. To ensure the best outcome, that village should also include fellow young people, not just adults, which is why community advocates should include students at the beginning of their outreach programs. Community coalitions are always looking to engage students in their area, but often […]
What You Should Know Before Creating Community Coalitions
So, you want to create an effective community coalition to ensure your local area is a healthy environment where youth can thrive. Before embarking on this journey — one that will be difficult and stressful, yet immensely rewarding if successful — it would be wise to use the successes and failings of previous community coalitions […]
How Students Can Lessen School Stress
A competitive classroom emphasizes individualistic learning, though it can also help cultivate school stress. Students absorb material individually. Teachers test and quiz them, evaluating their performances with letter grades and percentages. Competition has its benefits. It can motivate students to try harder. It can also help students prepare to embrace real-life challenges and, on occasion, […]
How to Secure Funding for Community Coalitions
Securing funding for community coalitions is perhaps the single-most challenging aspect coalition leaders face. Creating effective community coalitions is incredibly challenging, but no matter how well-intended and clear a coalition’s vision is, there is little or no action it can take without proper funding. This begs several questions: How do coalitions get funding? What funding […]