
2019 Pride Surveys Community Coalition Mini-Grant Winner

Pride Surveys is proud to collaborate with many community coalitions across the country who do incredible work to better their communities. In 2019, we received a multitude of worthy submissions from those applying for the Pride Surveys Mini-Grant. It is our distinct honor to share the winning submission from The Vernon Coalition to be Drug-Free […]


Helping Community Coalitions Overcome School Recruitment Barriers

One of the most critical parts of forming a community coalition is cultivating a membership full of individuals with the right qualities that will make them, and the community coalition as a whole, successful in overcoming school recruitment barriers. There is a lot of power in utilizing the right techniques and approach, having an authentic […]


Top Five Reasons to Survey Your Students Every Year

We’re often asked about the tangible value of surveying students each year. The truth is, there are a wide variety of important reasons why school surveys should be conducted on an annual basis, and each community has reasons unique to itself. Today, we’re focusing on five main reasons to survey students annually that, in turn, […]


Pride Surveys’ Top 9 Blog Posts of 2019

As we close out the calendar year, we like to take a look back at the resources we provide our valued colleagues and clients. By taking some time to reflect on what people are engaging with we can learn from and focus on the things that are most important to you, our reader. The topics […]


Staying Power: How to Keep Your Community Coalition Healthy and Strong

“People overestimate what they can achieve in a year, but underestimate what they can achieve in 10 years” (attributed to Bill Gates and Matthew Kelly). For a coalition, it is no different. Starting a community coalition can seem daunting at first and even once you get it going achieving your goals to reduce substance abuse […]


How Community Coalitions Can Help Prevent School Shootings

In the wake of the tremendous amount of gun violence on school campuses, many neighborhoods and communities have developed community coalitions to raise awareness about their factors and how to prevent school shootings. These coalitions strive to introduce critical connectivity and resources for students and parents who may be struggling with accessing support.  Yet, building […]


Student Stress and Overload: How to Know When Students Are Stressed

Rigorous academic coursework is essential for student success in higher education, particularly in competitive and highly specialized fields. A challenging high school environment can encourage students to grow, develop coping skills, and learn how best to handle themselves in any situation. Yet, student stress remains on the rise at every level of education, driven by […]


What Are the Common Strengths of Effective Community Coalitions?

Are you thinking of joining a community coalition or part of one already? Whether it’s to influence legislation or to spread awareness, effective community coalitions can be a key component in achieving shared goals. Community coalitions push community advocacy to the spotlight, facilitate unusual alliances, and bring about cooperative change. As coalition members, you are […]