
Overall Teen Drug Abuse on the Decline

The National Institute on Drug Abuse, part of the National Institutes of Health, released the findings of its latest annual report[1] on teen drug abuse The results of the 2015 survey have found that teen drug use has decreased for a number of substances, including cigarettes, alcohol, prescription opiate pain relievers, and synthetic marijuana[2]. The […]


E-Cigarette Use In Teens

Electronic Cigarettes & Vape Pens: An Overview of the New Trend in Smoking E-cigarettes, known as e-cigs, electronic cigs, or electronic cigarettes, are the newest generation of traditional cigarettes with a few primary differences: e-cigs are re-usable and trade the characteristic cigarette smoke for a vaporized liquid compound. E-cigarettes (and their sister product “vape pens”) […]


Administrator Tips for Teacher Retention: Ways Schools Can Prevent Teacher Burnout

Across the US, teacher retention rates have been sinking[1] for the past several years, leading to teacher shortages and lower student performance. Many individuals and organizations that operate in the educational field believe that a primary factor[2] in these low figures is teacher burnout. A mid-2014 report[3] by the Alliance for Excellent Education found that […]


Youth Mental Health: Be Proactive with School Surveys

Depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses are on the rise among teens, preteens and young adults. In fact, it is estimated that “five to eight times as many high school and college students meet the criteria for diagnosis of major depression and/or anxiety disorder as was true half a century or more ago.”[1] And that’s […]


Cyberbullying in the Millennial Era: Know the Signs of Cyberbullying

As many parents and teachers know, cyberbullying has become one of the most common forms of harassment a child will experience. In this day and age of easily-accessible technology and ubiquitous social media sharing, it’s important for adults to recognize the signs of cyberbullying, so that they may more readily protect their children or students […]


What is Cyberbullying

Traditionally, bullying has been seen predominantly as an “in-person” behavior—that is, it occurs as a face-to-face interaction or confrontation between two or more individuals (a “bully” and a “victim”). In old movies, books, and TV shows, schoolyard bullies harass their victims in the hallways and threaten them on the playground. But bullying is just as […]


Cyberbullying in the Millennial Era: How to Handle Cyberbullying at Your School

In today’s technologically advanced society, cyberbullying is a critical issue that many schools and educational institutions are facing. As administrators, teachers, counselors, coaches, and staffers, you want to protect the students in your school, as well as the learning environment in which you work. When approaching cyberbullying from an administrative perspective, it’s important to first […]


The Importance of Anonymous Surveys

In 2013, an Illinois teacher named John Dryden made headlines by informing his students that they did not have to fill out a school survey if they did not wish to, after noticing that the surveys had the students’ names printed on them. Dryden was reprimanded for doing this, even though there are a multitude […]


Know Thy Students: How to Engage Students in the Classroom

As an educator, you arguably have one of the most challenging jobs in the world: engaging your students in the classroom so you can teach them. Knowing how to engage students is critical to being an effective educator; if students aren’t engaged, they’re likely not learning[1]. The modern age doesn’t make it any easier, either. […]