Drug Safety Tips for Parents
The Importance of Monitoring Prescription Drug Use for Your Child Doctors commonly treat pain caused by serious injuries or surgery with prescription medications known as opioids, a class of drug that works by interacting with opioid receptors located in the brain and nervous system to produce a sense of pleasure, reducing pain in the process.[1] […]
How to Manage Stress During Standardized Testing: Teachers & Students
American students take more than 100 million standardized tests every year.[1] With these tests often playing a significant role in assessing student performance and teachers’ abilities, there is significant value in learning how to manage stress during standardized testing.[2] Stress can negatively affect students and teachers, even contributing to health problems that range from headaches […]
4 Benefits of Positive Student-Teacher Relationships
Positive and healthy relationships between teachers and students can be extremely beneficial at all levels of an educational establishment, within the classroom and across the school environment as a whole.[1] From improved self-esteem to increased engagement, there are a number of benefits of establishing positive student-teacher relationships between educators and pupils of all ages. Educators […]
Recognizing Signs of Depression in Students
Depression is defined as a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest, according to the Mayo Clinic[1]. A 2014 survey from the Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration reported that as many as 2.8 million adolescents in the United States between the ages of 12 and 17 experienced at […]
From One Stage to the Next: Part 3: Preparing High School Students for College and the Workforce
High school graduation is one of the major stepping stones in any student’s life. Many graduating students leave high school as legal adults, and now they must prepare to enter the next stage of their lives: either college or the workforce (or both). Whichever direction they choose, it is important to prepare them for both […]
From One Stage to the Next: Part 2: Preparing Middle School Students for High School
In our last post, we discussed the importance of preparation in the transition from elementary school to middle school. Preparing middle school students for high school is just as vital to their upper level and overall academic success. Once again, students are moving into a new realm of challenges and possibilities, and how they make […]
From One Stage to the Next Part 1: Elementary to Middle School Transition Tips
Transitioning from elementary to middle school can feel like a daunting step for many children. They are often shifting from being the “big kid on campus” to being the “freshman,” so to speak. Regardless of when they transition to middle school (as it varies from district to district), children often have a plethora of concerns[1] […]
Bullying in Schools: Part 3: How to Prevent Bullying Outside of Schools
Our last post addressed bullying prevention strategies and methodologies within schools and in educational environments. However, it’s important to remember that bullying doesn’t occur exclusively on school grounds, and it isn’t something that schools should handle on their own. There are many different types and causes of bullying; thus, it is critical to use multiple […]
The Importance of Parent Involvement
In order for students to grow at school, they must also receive the help they need at home. But how do we ensure that our students are getting the guidance necessary to achieve success both in academics and extracurricular activities? Highlighting the importance of parent involvement at your school is the first step to making […]