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Community Involvement in Schools
One of the most read Pride Surveys blogs of all time surrounds the importance of community involvement in schools. While the core principles of the importance of community involvement in schools have remained the same, a lot has shifted in the past four years, and even the past few months, with how communities can be involved and have an active and consistent presence in schools. We are taking a closer look at how the differences have impacted student success and how communities can move forward in support of their local schools and students.
The Ongoing Impacts of Community Involvement on Students
They say it takes a village to raise a child, which has probably never been truer than now. Parent, teacher, and community commitment to and involvement in schools is instrumental in identifying challenges and helping students live up to their full potential, especially during a time when many are suffering from stress. Community involvement helps supply students with after-school activities, opportunities to speak with community leaders about potential career interests, volunteer and internship activities, and awareness of how it is essential to be civic-minded and involved.
Community Coalitions Over Time
Community coalitions don’t change very much over time. They are run by individuals who are driven by an incident that usually happened to a loved one. The coalitions that last are coalitions dedicated to the cause and a desire to work toward that end. Like any business, they succeed and fail on the quality of their people, and it’s hard to draw generalizations because of what they are; a loose coalition of community members with goals that they define themselves.
How Communities Have Traditionally Supported Schools
In the past, volunteering time in the classroom for breakout sessions, offering to be a speaker or reader in class, or supporting the arts and athletics have been critical components of community involvement. For those who did not have the time or ability to be on-site, in-person volunteers, there have been ample opportunities to provide monetary or product donations and contribute in other ways, all of which positively impact and enrich the schools.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Community Involvement
With many schools still planning to have classes remotely for part or all of the upcoming school year, limiting the number of visitors on-campus for brick and mortar, and canceling events and many sports and activities for the foreseeable future, communities have to find creative ways to get involved and support students. COVID-19 has unfortunately shuttered many coalitions’ in-person activities. Without school, programs are impossible to implement without students. Moving community-centric events online and social media are the only real outlets for coalitions at this point.
Community Support in the New Era
While community involvement and support will look different for the foreseeable future, CADCA has put together resources for community coalitions that range from creative success stories of member coalitions to a list of websites to help support youth during COVID-19.
The more communities, families, and teachers continue to rally around and support their schools and students when things are consistently changing, the better things are for everyone.
Pride Surveys is here to help our community coalition partners and schools in any way possible. If you are in need of resources or additional information, please contact us today.

- Planning for the Future of Your Coalition: Part 2
- Planning for the Future of Your Coalition: Part 1
- Enhancing Cultural Competence in Drug-Free Community Coalitions
- Do You Want to Start a Coalition? Here Are 9 Steps.
- Data Collection and Utilization Best Practices (Part 2)