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About Our Survey Company & Key Personnel
America’s Pride was started in the late 1970’s as a way to engage parents in the fight to end substance abuse in youth. PRIDE originally stood for the Parents Resource Institute for Drug Education (PRIDE) and was a key component in the Reagan administration’s “Just Say No” Campaign which received support from the first lady, Nancy Reagan, who brought international attention to substance abuse facing youth worldwide. The first lady attended the annual PRIDE conference on 5 different occasions and brought 16 first ladies with her on one occasion. Pride Conferences had 10’s of thousands of attendees in the 80’s and 90’s before the non-profit split from the survey arm of the organization, PRIDE Surveys.
Our founder, the late Dr. Gleaton, was guest lecturer in 38 countries from 1986 – 2002 and was awarded a lifetime achievement award from the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD) among many other awards from the National Institutes of Drug Abuse (NIDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), and was appointed to the White House Conference for a Drug Free America in 1988.Pride Surveys was created in 1982 by professors at Georgia State University in Atlanta and Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, KY. Their purpose was to help local schools measure student alcohol, tobacco and other drug use through the use of student surveys. Since then, our survey company has developed a full range of scalable survey products that measure behavior on many crucial issues that can affect learning, such as family, discipline, safety, activities, gangs, and more.
Our survey company has assisted single schools, school districts, state and federal agencies, and other organizations, such as community coalitions. With today’s emphasis on evaluation and accountability, our survey company provides products that have been tested and re-tested in a variety of settings to ensure trustworthy data. In 1998, a federal law designated Pride Surveys as an official measurement of adolescent drug use in America. Plus, with help from our partners, our key personnel have developed Teaching and Learning Environment Surveys that have been vetted and approved by the Office of Safe and Healthy Students as a reliable measure of school climate.
As of 2019, Pride Surveys has conducted more than 78,000 school-level student surveys, and more than 17 million students, parents, and faculty members have chosen Pride Surveys over other survey companies. We not only offer our clients proven reliability, but also upfront, affordable pricing (with no hidden fees), as well as quick turnaround time for most regular orders, allowing you to receive results in two weeks or less.To find out more about our survey company, please call (800) 279-6361 to speak with key personnel. You can also view the demo to our convenient electronic dashboard, where you can easily analyze the data you’ve collected and share it with your team!
Our Survey Company Key Personnel
Want to know more about our survey company and its key personnel? Read our short bios below, or contact us now!
Jay Gleaton, President, CEO
Jay has been involved in ISA / Pride Surveys for almost his entire life, in one way or another. He has experience with project management, marketing, sales, and education as a former music teacher. He holds a degree in International Business and Spanish from Georgia State University and has experience with graphic design and communication. He works with state level superintendents, governors offices, and departments of health, as well as school board associations to deliver meaningful and understandable data that they can use to improve student outcomes.
Melissa Stephens, Director of Operations
Melissa has over 16 years’ experience in general operations and project management in for profit and non-profit industries. She received her masters degree in Sociology from University of Central Florida and has experience in research, analytics, and grant writing. She manages daily operations along with ensuring customer satisfaction for all the services offered by our survey company.
Clayton Auzenne, Senior Software Engineer
Clayton has over 15 years of experience in IT, networking, database management and software development. He comes from a background in startup technologies, machine learning and A.I. and is a strong addition to our survey company.
Victor Meza, Technical Specialist
Victor has a background in communication and a bachelors degree in Computer Science. Victor is bilingual in English and Spanish and is the youngest up and coming professional on our team focused on the growth of the company while keeping with our tenants of superior customer service and delivering good data quickly.