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Do You Want to Start a Coalition? Here Are 9 Steps.
At Pride Surveys, we are passionate about working with community partners and education coalitions to provide research, resources, and data surrounding and focusing on the current issues affecting today’s youth. In this month’s blog, we explore how to start a coalition. A coalition joins individuals and organizations with a common goal, leveraging their collective strength to effect meaningful change. Whether you’re looking to tackle a social issue, drive policy reform, or amplify your organization’s voice, here are steps you can take if you’re considering one.
Define the Purpose and Objectives
The foundation of a successful coalition lies in defined purpose and objectives. Ask yourself: What issue or goal will this coalition address? What change do you want to see? Whether it’s advocating for environmental sustainability, improving education, or advocating for human rights, a well-defined mission will not only attract like-minded individuals but also guide your coalition’s actions. Keep it simple and limit the amount of goals. Remember that sometimes, less controversial, broader positions will attract larger coalitions.
Identify Potential Partners
Coalitions are built on partnerships and shared interests. If you want to start a coalition, identify individuals and organizations aligned with your purpose. Look beyond your immediate circle and seek out diverse people who can bring unique perspectives and resources to the table. A coalition thrives on the strength of its members, so choose partners who are committed and willing to contribute.
Develop a Strategic Plan
Once your partners and purpose are aligned, develop a solid strategic plan to guide your coalition toward its objectives. Outline the steps you’ll take, the milestones you hope to achieve by what date, and the resources you’ll need. Break down the plan into actionable tasks and assign responsibilities to various partners with realistic deadlines.
Establish Communication Channels
Open and effective communication is vital for the success of any coalition. Poor communication can result in turf disputes, conflict, and decreased member engagement. Form subcommittees to clarify and report on specific issues between meetings. Set up meetings in person and virtually to discuss progress, challenges, and decisions. Utilize online platforms and tools to facilitate collaboration, document sharing, and real-time updates.
Allocate Resources
Resources, whether financial, human, or technical, are the lifeblood of a coalition. Determine which are needed to achieve goals and explore how each committee member and subsection can contribute. This might involve fundraising, grants, in-kind donations, or volunteer commitments. Transparency in resource allocation is essential to maintain trust among coalition members.
Create a Step-By-Step Action Plan
With a strategic plan in place, it’s time to create an action plan outlining specific activities, timelines, and responsibilities. Break down the larger objectives into smaller, achievable tasks; otherwise, they’ll get lost in the fray. When items are not broken down and feel “too big” to handle, this is how stagnancy happens. Breaking everything down into smaller steps makes the overall goal more manageable and provides a sense of progress as tasks are completed.
Mobilize Support
Cheerleading support involves engaging the wider community and rallying them around your cause. Use various communication channels, including social media, events, and workshops, to raise awareness and garner support. The more people who understand and resonate with your mission, the more likely you will achieve your goals when you start a coalition.
Execute and Evaluate
Closely monitor progress and evaluate outcomes. Regularly assess whether you’re moving closer to your objectives and identify any areas that need adjustments. Be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances or media stories and learn from successes and challenges. For example, let’s say your coalition is based around prohibiting vapes from teenagers. Follow the news and the timely articles that report on the adverse effects of vaping to continue to support your cause and get people re-interested in the subject.
Celebrate Achievements
Every milestone achieved, no matter how small, is a testament to the collective efforts of your coalition. Celebrate these achievements to keep morale high and motivate members. Publicly acknowledge the contributions of individuals and organizations and use these successes as a springboard for future endeavors.
Starting a coalition is not a small feat, but the potential for positive impact is enormous. If you would like more information on how to start a coalition or data collection, we offer many options to fit various needs. Please reach out to the Pride Surveys team to learn more.

- How Schools and Neighborhoods Can Band Together to Best Promote Youth Wellbeing
- Planning for the Future of Your Coalition: Part 2
- Planning for the Future of Your Coalition: Part 1
- Enhancing Cultural Competence in Drug-Free Community Coalitions
- Data Collection and Utilization Best Practices (Part 2)