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National Suicide Prevention Month Resources
In honor of National Suicide Prevention Week and Month, Pride Surveys is providing data and resources in hopes we can work together as allies to prevent youth suicide. During these uncertain and tumultuous times, youth are especially at risk for mental health issues and stress, which are key contributors to the consideration and attempt of suicide.
Unfortunately, Youth Suicide (YS) is increasingly prevalent in the United States. Between 2000 and 2017, the suicide rate rose an alarming 51% among youth aged 10-19 (CDC, 2019).
Youth Suicide Statistics
Rates of nonfatal suicide-related injuries have also steadily risen over the past decade (Mercado et al., 2017; Plemmons et al., 2018). In 2017, for every completed youth suicide, there were 44 nonfatal suicide attempts resulting in serious injury (CDC, 2019). On average, 2.5% of U.S. adolescents make a suicide attempt that results in injury and/or requires treatment by a medical professional annually (Kann et al., 2014, 2016, 2018), something that parents, community coalitions, and schools, amongst others, need to work together to mitigate.
Youth Suicide Risk Factors
New 2019 data from the YRBS unveils that sexual identity is still a major contributing factor to those high school students who seriously considered attempting suicide. Of those surveyed, those identifying as heterosexual had a 14.5% rate of considering a suicide attempt, versus those who identified as Gay or Lesbian (41.2%), Bisexual (48.5%), Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual (46.8%), and Not Sure (30.4%).
Additional risk factors include family history, previous attempts, mental illness, a lack of access to mental health treatment, alcohol and substance abuse, and feelings of loss. It is critical for adults to be aware of these and other risk factors and triggers to youth to be mindful of any behavioral or other changes that may indicate suicidal thoughts.
Suicide Prevention Resources
According to data from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 80% of teens who die by suicide show warning signs. Community coalition members, school guidance counselors, and parents can work together to provide access to suicide prevention resources. Directing children toward the Suicide Prevention Lifeline will give them access to advice such as asking for help, making safety plans, evaluating relationships, and overcoming feelings. If a child confides that they are considering suicide, it is essential not to dismiss them and instead to get them the help and support they need. The more you have open conversations with children, the more likely they are to confide in you. Other youth resources include You Matter, The Trevor Project, Active Minds,, Love is Respect, and Ditch the Label.
The more we spread awareness of suicide prevention methods and work together between Pride Surveys, community coalitions, and schools, the more we can be better equipped to help navigate the suicide epidemic. If you or anyone you know is considering suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 800.273.8255.
Pride Surveys is here and available to discuss appropriate questions for student surveys, many of which we are now offering online. Contact us today to learn more.

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