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School Climate Surveys for Teachers
School Climate Surveys for Teachers, Faculty, and Staff
School climate surveys for teachers, faculty, and staff are an excellent tool to gauge the educational experience and environment. When used in conjunction with similar surveys for students and parents, these questionnaires can give a thorough and accurate portrait of the school environment.
As a nationally recognized survey provider, we have been working for over 30 years to help schools better understand their educational environments, and our dependable questionnaires for educators are an excellent way to accomplish this.
Pride Teaching Environment Survey
Pride Teaching Environment Survey: Included in the School Climate Survey Compendium of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments, this reliable survey was formed with data collected after more than three years of psychometric testing of responses gathered from 72,000 teachers.
This survey can help assess teachers’ perceptions of and attitudes towards:
- School climate
- School leadership
- Career and intentions
- Shared decision-making
- Students and learning
- Teaching experience
This questionnaire is most effective when partnered with the Learning Environment Survey and the Parent Engagement and Perception Survey. Learn more.
Pride Faculty and Staff Survey
Teachers and other administrators come into contact with your students every day, and thus they can be an excellent resource when trying to determine school climate around issues of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.
This scientifically-backed, quantitative survey can help gauge how faculty and staff understand:
- Your school’s alcohol and drug policy
- Training needs
- School safety
- Perception of student drug use
- Perception of parental involvement with student behaviors
- Opinions about prevention efforts
In addition, it will also assess their overall knowledge of the harmful effects of drugs and basic information about specific drugs. Learn more.
Contact Us for More Information
Partner with Pride to better understand your school’s climate and to provide better support for your students, faculty, and staff. To learn more about these or any of our other surveys, give us a call at (800) 279-6361 or contact us online.