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Large Scale Custom Surveys
Large Scale Custom Surveys
Pride Surveys offers custom solutions to organizations trying to survey large populations of students, teachers, and parents. We work with state agencies in many cases to collect data on health, attitudes, and behaviors. We can do custom work with large school districts or coalitions to provide the solution that is right for your community. We are happy to bid on your survey project and welcome any request for proposal or information.
A few of the projects we are working on and have completed in the past include:
- Alabama Statewide Pride Survey
- American Samoa Student Survey
- (APNA) Arkansas Prevention Needs Assessment Survey
- The PreventionFIRST! Cincinnati Coalition Survey
- Georgia Statewide Student Survey
- Mississippi Statewide Student Survey
- (NYYDS) New York Youth Development Survey
- New York SPF-SIG Survey
- (OHT) Oregon Healthy Teen Survey
- (OSWS) Oregon Student Wellness Survey
Clients can use standard Pride Surveys instruments or other instruments they wish to develop independently or with the Pride Surveys development team.
Services include:
- Sample or census studies
- Survey sample design
- Instrument design and revision
- School and classroom selection and recruitment
- Dealing with reluctant schools
- Instrument printing
- Distribution of questionnaires to school sites
- Site administrator training
- Retrieval of completed questionnaires
- Preparing completed forms for scanning
- Scanning forms
- Validity check procedures
- Creation and documentation of basic data sets
- Computer-generated reports
- Specialized reports
- Hard copy and electronic archiving
Experience. We have administered 37 statewide student surveys in seven states and DC.
Find out more. Call 800-279-6361 or email us for additional information.